Simon composing a pilot: Legend of Dark Rider
Trailer: I’ve Got Your Back
See the short film “Imprisoned” with music composed by Simon Kölle
”I’ve Got Your Back” to be screened at Gothenburg International Film Festival
Kickstarter project to release Drakar och Demoner – Trudvang – Soundtrack
Candy: Simon compose for Danish short
”I’ve Got Your Back” screening at Chelsea Cff Festival in New York
New Waerloga Records website and Simon’s old music on Band Camp
Exciting season composing two features and more
Composing for a short: Jag har din rygg
See Drakar och Demoner – Tronländaren
Vitt Skräp / White Trash
Vilsen: Recording Lidingö Chamber Choir
Music for H&M
Fången – Short film for Cannes Film Festival
Drakar och Demoner: Giltes Bane
Teaser for Götterdämmerung
Trailer music to a Star Wars fan film
Drakar och Demoner – Thronelander: Premier in Gothenburg
Re:volt Final episode