The Swedish organization Akta Huvudet works diligently with anti violence throughout the country.They problematize violence from different point of views. Both the victims, perpetrators and Witness. The organization is touring Sweden showing the film Res dej inte! (Stay Down) but also doing seminars, studies, collaborating closly with scientist’s. With other words a very good cause and great work on many different levels. This summer the film will be shown on several festivals and the bigest movie theatre in Sweden.

Akta Huvudet commissioned Simon to make the Theme song of the whole project. The task was not easy as Akta Huvudet wanted a song that would have hints of happiness, darkness, oriental influences, influences from the film music Simon composed for Res dej inte! (Stay Down) and much more. The finished song is made up in two rather different parts interwoven close to end. It’s really two songs and could work as such with ease.
The Akta Huvudet theme song is called “Rise to the Ocassion”. You will be able to listen to it soon.