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Live Score Festival Stockholm 2018

I have been given the honor to both host and being the chairman of the jury at Live Score Festival Stockholm. It’s a festival truly celebrating Film Music. The Festival features short films with original scores performed live-to-picture. This is the first time such a festival is being held in Sweden and the festival is presented by The Prod in association with Kulturama, Musiker Utan Gränser (Musicians without Borders), Shortly and Musik i Film (MusiF) which is a non profit org. that wish to bring knowledge, interest and more value to Film Music in Sweden. An art sometimes overlooked. Selected film Composers have been paired with filmmakers to create an original score for the festival.

The festival is held at Kulturama in Stockholm, Sweden this sunday and the jury I’ve gathered are fantastic:

  1. Richard Jarnhed (Director)

  2. Thomas Lindahl (Composer, Teacher)

  3. Hans Lundgren (Composer)

  4. Joakim Tillman (Associate Professor in musicology and Author)

  5. Shari Strandmark (Director)

  6. Marina Nyström (Director, Actress)

  7. Mikael Carlsson (Label Owner, Concert Producer, Composer)

  8. Alexandra Nilsson (Composer, Board Member of SKAP)


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