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Inspiring vacation

Inspiration is Paramount working with art. I am Always inspired by the Picture I am scoring but it’s also important to bring something to it. Other films and series are of course inspiring and also listening to podcast’s and in my case hosting podcast’s.

Nothing really compares to being out in nature though. Places were photos don’t capture the majestic feeling and the breathtaking views. Inspiration for me also comes by Reading and meeting people. If you boil it down it’s stories really and keeping the imagination going. For me imagination is like a muscle, you need to keep in shape and train it.

This summer I ran a summer camp like I normally do but for once I only took on one Group of leaders and kids. It’s so rewarding and to do something other than I normally do is lot’s of fun. It’s the warmest summer in Sweden ever (or at least since we started recording temp. some 260 years ago) which meant lot’s of bathing in the ocean and in mountain lakes. Me and my partner spent time in the most Southern parts of Sweden and also up in the North. We went canoeing in wonderful places and had a blast with friends and family.

I really needed some time “off” and probably I did not got enough time to really wind down but I should not complain.

Thank you to all of you who made this summer great! More photo’s below…

Photo by Simon Kölle

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