Without jinxing things; 2016 seem to become a great year for Simon Kölle. Simon is right now composing the score for an international feature film (more about it later) and a Pilot (Dark Rider).
The score for Vilsen (Swedish indiependent feature in the Nordic Noir genre) was completed 2015 but it’s possible that Simon need to revisit it one last time early 2016.
The score for the feature Vitt Skräp (White Trash) will be completed together with Joel Forssell during 2016.
More than that Simon is looking to hit his stride in scoring even more project’s and are always open to take on new challenges. Beside the music is Simon working as the editor in chief at the biggest martial arts magazine in Sweden called Fighter Magazine (www.fightermagazine.com). He is also involved in the startup & development of series. Now and then is Simon working as a producer on (most of all) commercials, Storytelling films and information films.